Make your Cancer diet easy
Ketogenic Diet as supporting therapy approach
Ketogenic diet – a strict carbohydrate restricted and mostly sugar-free nutrition – is a dietetic treatment that specifically influences metabolic alterations within cancer cells and thus supports nutrition while chemo and radiation therapy.
In short:
- • Enhances success of chemo and radiation therapy
- • Reduces side effects
- • In some countries, the therapeutical drink is reimbursable in cases of malnutrition – ask your doctor
Cancer cells are addicted to sugar
In comparison to the surrounding tissue, cancer cells uptake high amounts of sugar in form of glucose (grape sugar) to ensure their high energy and building material need for growing and proliferation. For example, this fact is used for diagnosis by a PET scan (positron emission tomography). The radiolabelled glucose, which is injected to the patient, is accumulating in organs and tissues with high glucose uptake and is showing tumorous lesion as well as metastasis.
Many scientific works indicate that especially aggressive growing, metastasising and therapy resistant cancer cells exhibit an altered sugar-depended energy metabolism, which ensures them some survival advantages. In some cases, these alterations impair the effectiveness of conventional therapy.
Enhanced effectiveness of chemo and radiation therapy
A temporary change to a ketogenic metabolism within 3 days can sensitise tumour cells for chemo and radiation therapy and thus enhance therapy success.
For more detailed information of the scientific background of ketogenic cancer diet visit Background – Ketogenic nutrition.
→ An important note in advance:
A ketogenic cancer diet alone cannot heal cancer and doesn’t make conventional therapies like chemo and radiation therapy redundant.
Ketogenic diet: Fasting with energy
Reducing side effects of chemo and radiation therapy
Some cancer patients, who have fasted prior to a chemo or radiation therapy for 3-5 days, report less side effects like fatigue, nausea, headaches or gastrointestinal symptoms and a better feeling during therapy. However fasting is not suitable for every cancer patient and carries the risk to worsen malnutrition. A ketogenic diet generates a metabolism state similar to fasting (ketosis) and switch healthy cells to an energy metabolism that predominately uses fat as energy source. At the same time, the diet supplies the body sufficient energy, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
What is a ketogenic diet?
The ketogenic diet was initially developed to treat epilepsy and is still used today in cases of therapy resistant epilepsy in children. Now this special diet is also considered as helpful in other fields such as weight reduction and diseases like cancer, diabetes or neurologic ills. Unlike in epilepsy, this is not yet accepted by conventional medicine.
Typical of ketogenic nutrition is that it contains a very less carbohydrate content of about 20-50 g per day. The daily energy supply is ensured by high-quality fat sources (approx. 70-85% of the total energy). This puts the body to a so called ketosis – a metabolism similar to fasting – where the most cells predominately use fat as energy source.
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Nutrient distribution of various forms of nutrition |
Fat? Yes, please!
The ketogenic diet is based on low-starch vegetables as well as mushrooms and high-quality fats such as plant oils (e.g. coconut oil, linseed oil, hemp oil, rapeseed oil, walnut oil and olive oil), butter from grazing cows, cold-water fishes and nuts. Additionally it is completed by fresh, unprocessed meat, egg and milk products preferably from organic farming.
Carbohydrates? No, thanks!
High-carbohydrate sources such as grain products (e.g. bread, noodles, and rice), potatoes, root vegetables and legumes as well as all sugar-sweetened dishes and drinks are avoided. Due to many hidden carbohydrate and sugar sources, a ketogenic diet requires a detailed search and a closer look on the composition of foods.
Overview of suitable and unsuitable foods: Download Food list
The solution for your uncomplicated preparation for therapy: Keto-Drink
Why complicated? Keep it simple.
Keto-Drink is a high-caloric, nutrient-rich therapeutical drink, which was especially developed for this purpose. Keto-Drink simplifies the start of a ketogenic diet and ensures that you safely reach a ketosis state prior to therapy start within 3 days. At the same time, Keto-Drink can be used as a meal replacement – to support nutrition in phases of less appetite – or as a practical meal to go.
The nutrition profile of Keto-Drink is optimal geared to the needs of a ketogenic diet. Due to the simple dosage scheme you can easily put your body to a ketogenic metabolism. Keto-Drink contains only 20 g of carbohydrates, but supplies you with the energy and proteins you need as well as all essential vitamins and minerals. As required, the drink can be temporarily used for exclusive nutrition or as a meal replacement. It is therefore ideally suited
- • to prepare you for chemo and radiation therapy,
- • to easily reach a state of ketosis (especially if your body hardly change to an ketogenic metabolism),
- • as a high-caloric, nutrient-rich meal replacement in cases of malnutrition and loss of appetite.
Keto-Drink is reimbursable in some countries
As a high-caloric therapeutical food (food for special medical purposes) Keto-Drink is reimbursable in cases of diagnosed malnutrition in some countries.
Please ask your therapist or your health insurance.
Keto-Drink has a singular formulation with a unique composition and nutrient profile. Thus Keto-Drink is patented and legally protected by European Patent No 1972209.
For further information of Keto-Drink and scientific findings on ketogenic diet as a supportive cancer therapy visit: